Kua tae te wā

Kua Tae Te Wā involved eighteen months of tireless campaigning by members and a long period of deadlock. The campaign focused on making teaching an attractive and valued profession.
The pay equity settlement for school administrators has been approved and implementation began in term three of 2022. We’ve waited a long time for this – NZEI Te Riu Roa members raised this pay equity claim with the Ministry in 2018. We’re proud to have reached this moment.
The 'arguability' of the admin pay equity claim came down to three key points. These were deemed sufficient to indicate that the role of administrative staff in schools has been undervalued on the basis of gender. These points were:
In order to rectify the imbalance that is present in the administrator role, any settlement needed to address three key areas.
The implementation began in term three of 2022 and will continue as schools work through regrading staff and ensuring they are on the correct rates.
NZEI Te Riu Roa members can access personalised implementation support. Join now or get in touch with the member support centre to find out more.
The settlement reached between NZEI Te Riu Roa and the Ministry of Education went a long way to addressing past and present undervaluing of administrative staff. The settlement included:
Check out more of the progress that NZEI Te Riu Roa members have achieved together.