
Hui katoa.

Join the most powerful education union in Aotearoa and fight for a fairer education sector.


Education professionals just like you come together as NZEI Te Riu Roa.

As a member, you’re a part of a powerful collective who work together to create a better education sector for kaiako, ākonga and everyone that contributes to preparing our tamariki for the future.

Together, we’ve made meaning­ful change in the education sector.

Our unity has shown across the motu and the results speak for themselves. We’ve negotiated fairer pay, better working conditions and greater support in and outside of the classroom. Take a look at what we’ve achieved together.

What we’re working towards

There’s much to be done – find out how to get involved here.


Ngā Whātui | The Essentials

  • Support Staff

In a school or kura we are the people that do essential work alongside teachers and principals. We support ākonga in the classroom, manage school offices and administration, libraries and science labs and much more – our work is made up of many threads. We are essential but schools are not well funded enough by Government to employ us. We can change this! Together we are building power to win improvements to our collective agreement – with fair pay, job security and the professional learning and development we need – the essentials!​

Learn more

Pay equity for teachers | Mana Taurite

  • Primary & Area School Teachers
  • Primary & Area School Principals
  • ECE & Kindergarten

The pay equity claim for teachers is currently underway. It is about addressing the historic and current undervaluation in both pay and status in roles that society has perceived to be ‘women’s work’. The process determines if there has been undervaluation and if so, this is corrected. All teachers and principals working in schools, kindergartens and education and care settings are covered by the claim, regardless of gender.

Learn more

Stand up for change.

Become a member of NZEI Te Riu Roa.

Join us in calling for better pay, conditions and outcomes in the education sector in Aotearoa.