Pūnga mātauranga
  • Primary & Area School Teachers
  • Primary & Area School Principals

Report card for Accord pre-bargaining process

27 May 2022

One of the outcomes of collective agreement bargaining in 2019 was the establishment of the Accord, a forum to discuss and identify shared interests of three parties, NZEI Te Riu Roa, PPTA and the Ministry of Education. There were some agreed areas of discussion, but each party was also able to raise issues and points for consideration. 

A key focus for the Accord was to discuss the unified pay scale and any other matter relating to bargaining. This report card summarises some of the key issues discussed in the Accord. What is clear from this summary is that if we want to achieve significant change we are going to have to campaign strongly so that the Government and the Ministry realise that they must address our issues.