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Ngā Ingoa Māori o NZEI Te Riu Roa

23 Sept 2022

The Māori names of NZEI Te Riu Roa.

You might have heard these phrases used at hui or in emails or on the website. Here's a list of key kupu an ingoa used by members of NZEI Te Riu Roa.

Te Riu Roa

The long valley where cliffs, waterfalls, and streams are challenges just as new knowledge and experiences are challenges. The flow of water is symbolic of education being an ongoing, lifelong process and the valley allows for the information to roll down the valley and echo back up. (Andy Sarich, Taitokerau Kaumatua)

Miro Heretangata

The tying or joining together of the threads, the members of NZEI Te Riu Roa. (Iria Whiu, Ngai Te Rangi, Past President of NZEI Te Riu Roa)

  • Miro: strand/thread
  • Here: to tie/join.
  • Tangata: people.

Mātauranga Tūhāhā

Mātauranga Tūhāhā is an indigenous framework developed by Miro Māori members.

  • Mātauranga: Māori knowledge.
  • Tū: the development of the tamaiti.
  • Hā: the growth of the tamaiti
  • Hā: the development and interaction of the tamaiti with others within their environment.

Miro Māori

The Māori strand/ Māori membership of NZEI Te Riu Roa.

Ngā Tātaha a Māui

The Northern Region of NZEI Te Riu Roa. The many waka, iwi, maunga and rohe within the Northern Region of Te Ika-ā-Māui/North Island, from Taupo in the South to Kaitaia in the North. (Jim Perry Takawaenga for Ngā Tātaha a Māui)

Te Ngaio Tū

The Central region of NZEI Te Riu Roa.

Ngāti Toa Rangatira waiata:
Hoki atū, tiro atū ki te tonga ki te ngaio | Turn your face to the south, to the ngaio tree standing in the south.

Apanui Ringamutu (Te Whānau a Apanui) presented a kakahu named Te Ngaio Tū ki Rarotonga to the tohunga, Te Hingangaroa, who was based at Uawa at the Whare Wānanga, Te Ra Wheoro. The ngaio tree was always seen as strength and shelter as happened for Rona. 

(Paetahi Park, Te Whānau a Apanui)

Te Waipounamū

The Southern region of NZEI Te Riu Roa. The waters of pounamū/greenstone.

Aronui Tōmua

Māori Branch of NZEI Te Riu Roa. Strands or threads woven together provide strength and unity as we move forward together. The local meeting point for Māori members and whānau who support Māori education.

Te Reo Areare

The National Māori Council for NZEI Te Riu Roa. The messages or voices that echo down the valley are compared to consultation and directions from Aronui Tōmua and Te Riu Roa members who are representatives of their rohe, sector and guided by pakeke.

Te Kāhui Whetū

An assembly of stars Te Kāhui Whetū is the annual hui and decision-making forum for Miro Māori. Policy development, planning and prioritising work around Māori education for Te Reo Areare and Aronui Tōmua happens at this hui. 

(Hapimana Toby Rikihana, Te Arawa Kaumatua)

Te Pīpiri Mananui

A forum for members from several Aronui Tōmua to organise, debate, plan and develop around current issues as happens in Ngā Tātaha a Māui, and Te Waipounamu.

Hui ā Rohe

A meeting for members of a region to organise, debate, plan and develop around current issues as happens in Te Ngaio Tū.

Te Manukura

Of chiefly status, the leader of council. 

He tākoha mai Miro Māori ki te tunga o NZEI Te Riu Roa, National President. 

(Hapimana Toby Rikihana, Te Arawa Kaumatua)

Te Korimako Tangiata

The bell bird that heralds the dawn. 

He tākoha mai Miro Māori ki te tunga o NZEI Te Riu Roa, National Secretary.

(Andy Sarich, Taitokerau Kaumatua)

Te Maramataka

The Māori lunar calendar begins in June/July (Pīpiri) with the reappearance of the Matariki star cluster (Pleiades) and is the traditional Māori method of marking time. 

Each phase of the moon is named, and a typical year is covered by the passage of 12 or 13 lunar months depending on the location. 

The Maramataka is consulted for almost every iwi activity because some days or nights are better to do certain activities like planting, harvesting, fishing, convening important hui or conducting particular ceremonies. 

The Maramataka also marks significant annual events like Matariki. The appearance of Matariki signals the Māori New Year and is a time for rest, renewal and celebration.