It's time to play a key part in our pay equity claim by giving feedback on a document called the General Areas of Responsibility (GARs).
This report is a summary of the responsibilities identified by teachers and leaders who were interviewed for the claim.
- Click here to read the document and submit feedback.
Now, we need you to review it and then fill in the gaps to complete the picture. If something you do is not in the document, that means it wasn’t captured in an interview, and this needs to be fixed.
It’s important that we, as a teaching profession, take the time to complete this step to ensure that we build a strong picture of teaching before we enter the next stage of the pay equity process.
Chat to your worksite representative or your local Mana Taurite champion to find out what time you and your colleagues are meeting to discuss the document.
To learn more about our Mana Taurite | Pay Equity campaign click here.
More resources will be added to this page in the coming weeks – so make sure you check back!
Register for a webinar to learn more about the consultation process and how it works.
At the webinar you’ll learn:
- Why this consultation period is critical to the success of our pay equity claim
- How the consultation process works
- How to champion it at your school, kura, kindergarten or ECE centre to ensure your colleagues get involved too
General Areas of Responsibility document quick read
We have created a summary of the general areas of responsibility document for easy reference. Click here to read.
Frequently asked questions about the consultation process
You can find more information about the GARs and pay equity here.
Tips for making a submission
- You can complete the submission individually or as a group.
- If you are short on time you can give feedback on just one or a few parts of the document.
- Share the load and get a few people at work to do a section each.
- Print off the summary document so that you have a quick read guide.
- It's easy to complete the survey on your phone.
- You can come back to the survey later if returning to the same browser.
Hui Whakamana
Ko tā ngā Hui Whakamana, he whakahuihui i ngā kaiako me ngā tumuaki e mahi ana ki ngā kura kaupapa Māori, ngā kura ā-iwi, ngā puna reo, ngā rumaki reo Māori, ngā akomanga reorua, tae atu rā ki ngā kaiako reo Māori kei ngā kura auraki ki tētahi huiata kua whakaritea.
Kua tonoa ngā kaiako me ngā tumuaki kia tae mai ki tētahi o ngā huiata, ā, ka whakaarohia ai ngā haepapa kua hora i te wāhanga tuangahuru o te pūrongo GARs. Ko te hunga ka whai wāhi mai ka wāwāhingia ki tētahi rōpū, ā, tokowhā, tokorima rānei o rātou ki ia rōpū. Ko ā rātou mahi ā-rōpū, he tautohu i ngā haepapa kaupapa Māori kāore e kitea, ka mutu, he whakamana anō hoki i ngā haepapa e kitea ana.
Ka tū ngā huiata i te wiki tuarua ki te wiki tuaono o te wā whakawhitiwhiti kōrero. Ka tū ēnei hui hei muri i ngā hāora mahi o te rā, ka mutu, e rua hāora me te hāwhe te roa o ēnei hui.
The Hui Whakamana are an online consultation option for all kaiako and tumuaki working in kura kaupapa Māori, kura ā-Iwi, puna reo, Māori immersion and bi-lingual settings as well as te reo Māori kaiako | teachers in English medium settings.
Kaiako and tumuaki working in these settings are invited to the online hui to consider the responsibilities described in section 10 of the GARs Report. Participants in each hui will be assigned to a group of 4 to 5 to consider the kaupapa Māori responsibilities and identify any missing responsibilities.
The online hui will be offered from week 2 to week 6 of the consultation period. The hui will be held after usual work hours and are expected to take up to 2 ½ hours.
Head to the Ministry of Education's website for dates, times and to register.
Guide on how to run a worksite meeting
We have created a step-by-step guide on how to run a worksite meeting to update people on our pay equity claim during consultation in September and October 2024.
You can find it here.
When You See Me
Our When You See Me activity is designed to get us all talking about the skills and knowledge behind every task we do.
Lots of what we do as teachers isn't seen, so this is a way of bringing out the professional practice and complex knowledge and skills that sit behind what others may see as simply a task.
- See examples below:

- Download the resource:
- English version
-Te Reo version - Print out (in A3) one of the blank When You See Me pages.
- Chat to your colleagues and reflect on your work.
- Choose one task that you do and write that under ‘When You See Me...’.
- Think about the skills and knowledge that task requires and write that under ‘I am...’.
Note: It’s best to use a thick pen such as a vivid so it is clear to see.
Fill out the resource, scan/snap a pic or, record a video sharing your When You See Me story.
So that your message can be read loud and clear, you can also take a close up of the poster to really get your message across.
Send it to us at and post it on social media, tagging @NZEITeRiuRoa on both Facebook and Instagram. We’ll share it on our social pages too!
Our Meeting Time Is... poster
Print out this poster and put it up on your noticeboard to let your colleagues know when your meeting time is.
You can either edit the text directly in the pdf or print it out and write on it.
Rep Mana Taurite | Pay Equity
Browse the merch store and rep our Mana Taurite | Pay Equity campaign.