Media releases
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Primary school teachers reject 3rd offer
Primary school teachers have voted to reject their 3rd offer from the Ministry of Education.
NZEI Te Riu Roa Area school teachers to join rolling strike action
Area school teachers across the country have voted in favour of taking industrial action this term, including rolling strikes, says NZEI Te Riu Roa, New Zealand’s largest…
Fair Pay Agreement process kicks off for early childhood sector
A Fair Pay Agreement process for the early childhood sector has been kicked off after more than 5000 workers signed in support of it. Over 30,000 early childhood kaiako and…
Area school teachers to vote on move to industrial action in term 2
Area school teachers across the country will vote on whether to move to industrial action this term, including taking rolling strikes, says NZEI Te Riu Roa, New Zealand’s largest…
Principals stand strong at the start of term as after hours work ban begins
Primary and area school principals begin a two-month work ban starting 8am Monday 24 April, the first day of term two.
Primary school teachers to vote on improved offer
Primary school teachers will be voting on an improved offer for their collective employment agreement after taking part in the country’s largest ever education strike in March.
NZEI Te Riu Roa welcomes step to reduce class sizes
NZEI Te Riu Roa, New Zealand’s largest education union, welcomes the small improvement in year 4-8 ratios announced today by Education Minister Jan Tinetti and Prime Minister…
Kindergarten teacher offer shows vast improvement
Kindergarten teachers from NZEI Te Riu Roa, New Zealand’s largest education union, met with the Ministry of Education yesterday and received a new offer on their collective…
Principals vote in favour of a work ban
Primary and area school principals across Aotearoa New Zealand have voted in favour of a work ban until they receive an offer from the Ministry of Education that addresses their…