
Primary & Area School Principals


Ko te kaha o te kaihautūtanga ko te pūtahi o te tōpūtanga angitū, a, kaore a tātou kura e rerekē hoki. Nō reira ko koutou ngā tumuaki ngā kaihautū e whakarite ana me pēhea te whakahaere tō kura, e tautoko ana me te arataki nga kaiako kia eke pānuku rātou.

Ka tūkotahi tātou me ngā tumuaki, a ka hiahia hoki ki te tautoko i a rātou kia eke pānuku me te tū hei kaihautu rātou. Titiro ki raro ki ngā rauemi kei a mātou hei awhina i ngā wero mōtuhake mō te mahi Tumuaki.

Your Collective Agreement

NZEI Te Riu Roa members come under the collective agreement negotiated between member led negotiation team and the Ministry of Education. See below for the current active collectives for Primary and Area School principals.

Resources for Principals

Browse the latest articles relating to your work as a tumaki.

Marangai mai kia kōnekeneke!

Whakauru mai ki a NZEI Te Riu Roa.

Whakauru mai kia karanga tātou mō te pai o te utu, kia pai hoki ngā here me nga putanga kei te taha mātauranga.