Te pūnga mātauranga
Te pūnga mātauranga
24 Hōngo 2023
Early childhood and support staff scholarships: previous recipients
Previous scholarship recipients have created a wide variety of valuable work, and in many cases the work has contributed to their postgraduate studies. You can view a summary of their application, and final reports below.
19 Pipi 2023
Fair Pay Agreement for ECE approved by MBIE - Important information for employers
NZEI Te Riu Roa applied to initiate a Fair Pay Agreement (FPA) for the Early Childhood Education sector on 1 May 2023. On 19 June 2023, NZEI Te Riu Roa received a notice from the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) approving our FPA application.
16 Pipi 2023
Joining NZEI Te Riu Roa as a student educator
As a member of your union, you have a significant role and place in shaping the future of the sector. You are the voice of future educators. Your union membership is free while you’re studying or looking for work in the ECE, Primary or Special Education sectors.
15 Pipi 2023
Understanding pay in our employment agreements
Pay scales apply to teachers who are part of a Collective Agreement, such as the Kindergarten Teachers’ Collective Agreement or the Early Childhood Education Collective Agreement.
15 Pipi 2023
Employment Agreements
An employment agreement is an agreement between you and your employer – you’ve probably heard it mentioned before as a ‘contract’. Your employment agreement dictates what to expect about your role and your working conditions. All employees in all industries must have a written employment agreement.
15 Pipi 2023
Applying for Teacher Registration and Full Certification
An exciting milestone in your teaching career is when you transition from provisional to full certification.
15 Pipi 2023
Courageous Conversations for new educators
As a beginning kaiako or kaimahi, you may face situations where you are required to have a courageous conversation, be it talking with parents, colleagues, or employers. These conversations can be daunting due to being a new staff member at an ECE centre or kura or feeling inexperienced in addressing issues at a professional setting.
08 Pipi 2023
Fourth offer for primary teachers accepted - FAQs
Here is information for primary teachers about the recently accepted fourth offer from the Government and information for area school teachers.
30 Hara 2023
Primary teachers fourth offer – FAQs
Here is a list of FAQs in relation the fourth offer from the Ministry of Education to settle the Primary Teachers’ and the third offer for the Area Schools Collective Agreements.